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What are tattoo freckles?

Freckle tattooing is a semi-permanent makeup procedure designed to mimic the look of natural freckles. Artists can either use a tattoo machine or a hand-held tool to insert pigment into the skin.

Many undergo faux freckle procedures to emulate the sun-kissed look created by freckles. However, without constant sun exposure (which can be incredibly damaging for the skin), natural freckles will fade over time. Faux freckles, in comparison, can last up to three years, helping to enhance an individual’s natural glow all year round.

How long does it last?

Freckle tattoos can last up to three years. However, like any other cosmetic tattoo, they will fade over time. Therefore, if clients want to keep their facial tattoo looking fresh, they will need to book in for an occasional top-up. After the mandatory touch-up 6-8 weeks after the initial treatment, most clients return for a faux freckle touch-up once a year, but this all depends on how fast they are fading. In short, clients can get a touch-up as frequently or as rarely as they want.


Whilst the tattoo will fade naturally over time, there are a few things clients can do to reduce the speed at which their freckles disappear. These include:

  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure. If a client does want to sit out in the sunshine, they should layer up on SPF to protect their tattoo.

  • Avoiding frequent swimming in chlorinated pools.

  • Avoiding aggressive skincare regimes. Products that include retinol, AHAs, BHAs should not be used on the skin before or after a faux freckle tattoo. These products are used to exfoliate the skin, which can cause premature fading of the freckles.

What is the healing process?

  • The healing time for faux freckles is relatively quick compared to a normal tattoo. Clients can expect the tattooed area to appear slightly swollen immediately after the treatment itself. However, any redness or swelling should reduce after a few days.

  • On around day three, the client will start to notice scabs forming on the tattooed area. Over time, these scabs will start to flake off to reveal beautifully healed results. It is incredibly important that the client does not pick or exfoliate the scabs during the healing process as this could lead to patchy, unnatural-looking faux freckles.

  • Below is a breakdown of what the client should expect to experience during the first two weeks following the initial procedure:

  • Day One: Redness, swelling and minor irritation around the tattoo area.

  • Day Two: The side effects of day one should have subsided. However, on day two, the scabbing will start.

  • Day Three-Five: A thin film of skin will form over the freckle tattoo. The area might begin to feel dry or itchy.

  • Days Five-Ten: After the tattooed area has healed, any scabs will start to fall off.

  • Days Ten-Fourteen: By the end of the two-week healing process, the scabs should have all fallen off to reveal natural-looking faux freckles.

Is it safe to tattoo over moles?

It is perfectly safe to tattoo over small freckles & small flat moles. However if the moles are larger or have any elevation, they should not be tattooed. Changes occurring in a mole — to its symmetry, border, colour, size, shape or texture — are potentially key warning signs that the lesion may be evolving, so therefore must be left alone.



Your skin in the area being treated should be in the best possible condition before treatment., being hydrated will help to maximise your results.


Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the area 2 weeks prior to your appointment.


Any waxing or shaving should be done at least 2 days before.


Cosmetic botox or fillers should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after. 


DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc) 48 hours before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and may affect your results.


You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle. â€‹



Looking after a freckle tattoo is straightforward, and similar to the aftercare regime of many other SPMU procedures. Below are our top tips for keeping faux freckles looking fresher for longer:


  • Clients must keep their face dry for at least 24 hours following the initial procedure. After the first day, clients should only wash their face with a very gentle soap. Skin moisturisers should be non-scented as any fragranced products may irritate the skin.


  • Clients must not exfoliate the tattooed area too much. The scabs formed post-tattoo need to fall off on their own terms to avoid patchy results. To achieve a softer, more natural look, clients can gently exfoliate the area approximately seven to ten days post procedure.


  • Clients must avoid applying makeup to the tattooed area for around ten days.


  • Clients must not soak the area for at least ten days. This means swimming, saunas and steam baths must be avoided, as well as excessive sweating.


  • Technicians can supply their clients with a small supply of aftercare cream to ensure the pigment can develop and heal correctly to reveal the best results.

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